Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Building traps to capture insect for ocip saddens me. Thank god my group trap is the easiest to set up. Just hang a big piece of white cloth and place a light source behind it. My group mates are nice too, most of them from mawai group 3 so i guess that's okay. BUT I STILL WANT FISHING ):.

Friendly with NJC tomorrow yay. Haha always fun to compete with the strong!

I havent seen a five star movie for a long time and it happened recently.Yihe rented The Prestige and we watched it at aaron's house a few days ago. The movie came out last year but strangely i didnt bother to notice it. The story is about friendship between two magician turning into rivalry and how they pit against each other. One of the most brilliant plots i ever seen.


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