Monday, February 06, 2006

Just had the bio level test today. Lets hope i pass and dont screw up since the failures have to drop bio i heard. No bio = no more doctor wtf!. Had a busy weekend thanks to some fucking teacher of mine pmsing. Sheesh, Totally lost all my respect of her in that very day. Somehow i'm blessed with "good" luck on that day and forgot to bring my graph work(she teaches physics btw) and bla bla bla kpbkpb the class then "filtered" those people who didnt hand in the graph work.2 unlucky victim went out toO( HAHA JASON WAS ONE OF THEM)! Went out of class, The conversation went like this

Goh : *ask boy for reason*
boy: *give reason*
Repeat process from step 1-3
GoH: *ask me for reason*
Ky: Er i forgot to bring the worksheet , after school i go home and take and come back to school
Goh: *gives some $@#^%@ face* No, dont bother, You're already late. Deadline is already this lesson. bla bla *takes more rubbish*
Ky: * pretend to be guility and listen*

Seriously, i dont understand why teachers AREEEE SO FUCKING PARTICULAR about the homework on this time. 1 sec too late = kkthxbye! I offered to atone for my mistakes and she rejected it. So who fucking cares? I just handed in today. I thought she was not bad teacher during the sec 3 days. but now just lost all respect for her. She even said we're not worthy to take triple science or whatever. Ya sure i hate triple science too and the subject i want to drop most is physics rofl. I've been hating physics since sec 1-4 and that explains why i always barely pass physics :P. All the physics teacher i had except mr poh sucks. That explains the hatred.

Sigh maris stella teachers *shake head*

PS: here's afunny linK!


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