Friday, May 26, 2006

If i ever had a son, i wouldnt send him to these schools.
1) A RELIGIOUS school
2) A single sex school

Of course, the first option is the most important. It kind of sucks to see ur son suffering the same fate as you if u send him to a religious school. Maris stella is basically a not bad school BUT BUT BUT the only thing i detest is the religious part. Since its a catholic school, it conducts morning prayer everyday, sheesh i can eeven memorise the catholic prayer! I dont relaly mind that although it can be really irriating when Mr kwok(a sort of DM) tells his stories and talk abt catholic stuffs. Grrr the most irriating thing of all is : Catholic mass, where there'll be a priest that will say prayer or something. Man am i even in a church? The priest today asked the non cathloics to not make any noise during the mass today to show respect for other people faith. "ya right, as if u respect us NON CATHOLIC FAITH to waste 1hour+ of my life to attend that catholic mass of yours" This thought just keeps coming up in my mind and i feel like slapping the next person asking us to shut up to respect the catholic faith.

I dont think other religious school make it complusory for their students to sit through the catholic mass dont they? There would be at least 4 mass every year i think? Imo, its just a waste of time for the non cathloic. SUre the catholic might regard it as important etc, but to the enon catholic, its not a significant event at all. And if the school wants no noise at the mass, they can just simply make it complusory for only the catholics.

Today mass really pissed me off maybe thats why i'm suddenly writing about this complusory catholic mass thing now. I HATE PEOPLE WHO PREACH, who preach about their religion to other people. I just cant stand it that people dont give a damn about others , keep preaching about their oh so good religion or just keep asking people to say words about their religion. All that relates to today pastor.

Pastor after reading a prayer : *tells the school* Say amen, Say amen.

i'm like WTF? ISNT AMEN SUPPOSE TO BE A RELIGIOUS WORD? Why the fuck is he telling everyone to say that word. Sheesh. He even said it on 2 occasion. I got a urge to...*beep* I better work hard in the holidays to make sure i wont enter into ANY more RELIGIOUS JCs. Sometimes, i pity the teachers in the school too lmao. They have to suffer the same like us too. Maybe we should complain to MOE and have them abolish the complusory cahtolic mass thing :D! Dont get me wrong, im not against catholic or any other religion, i just dont like the idea of FORCING a non believer into attending catholic occasion(eg mass) everytime for FOUR FUCKING YEARS. ANd of course, i don tlike people who preach without considering other people feelings/religion, Yes that includes people from even my religion.

4 years of constantly preaching A.K.A "brain washing" but i'm still strong :D.


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