Thursday, June 22, 2006

I'm basically a no brainer when it comes to conversation about Singapore TV . The last Singapore tv was like Double happiness 2 or something?rofl. I think thats like 2 years ago.

8 reasons why i dont watch singapore TV

1)There's like 23523634664 idol shows every now and then.

2) Out of the 23523634664 idol show, 99% of songs are pop songs(ESPECIALLY CHINESE SONGS) sung which kills my hearing, with so many posers who dress like japanese, avil larvegene(wadever her name is) style, gothic style etc etc, Sucky singing even at the fnals(Our singapore idol has even a nickname of 7-11 idol rofl!Whoever wins get a free contract with 7-11)

3) THe variety show of singapore sucks. Almot all the shows are a mimic of american/taiwan or some other shows.

4)The host for food shows always suck! Over acting cute girl food "critic". Yucks. I feel like strangling fiona xie sometimes for her over acting cute. Makansutra is the only nice food show singapore has produced.

5) The drama shows have always been the same storyline.

6)They dont show the lastest smallville season.

7)SCV has way better shows and more professional hosts.

8) The internet has way more funny things to see and hear.


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