Wednesday, May 31, 2006

K box

Its really great fun during chemistry lesson, not because of the lesson but because of wad we're doing during that lesson LOL. Andrew and i were talking about how gay kbox was and we decided to draw some cartoons . Man that is some funny things! HAha see if u can spot the hidden meaning :P i guess the people who saw it already knows wad it means :P:p

Seems like u must click the picture to see the full view since my the stupid layout doesnt allow to show the whole picture

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
"After wearing this bra, i can sing so much better" -kbox fan

some of the part are a little blurry cause of andrew sucky pen ink HAHA!.

Bottom lower part : Money theft robot
-Steals $15(entry fee for kbox) from everyone

Beside the money theft robot : Sound grenade launcher

The big ball : Ultimate K NUKE

Right hand side : The K buddy ultra high singing cannon.
According to andrew theory(ya andrew drew it), Theres 2 microphone emitting the sound and the sound gets reflected by some surface, gets reflected back to the big surface plate and shoots out!It sounds stupid but who cares LOL.

Gun : Ky
Microphone blade : Ky and andrew( he added the cool bladeS!)
Ultra high singing cannon: andrew
K nuke : Andrew(drawing), ky (description)
Shield : Same as K nuke
Grenade launcher and money theft robot : Andrew
K bra: Ky

THere's still 1 more picture LOLOL. That one is the funniest man! But i dun think its safe to put here LOLOL.

Sunday, May 28, 2006

Sometimes i really wonder how the very chinese people can manage to study their chinese for the whole freaking day, i cant even focus on studying chinese for half an hour. *shrugs* chinese educated people, how i wish i have their brains for now.

Last night

7.30pm - put all the chinese notes on my desk. Read 1 page of the notes and stare into blank space
9.30pm - started revising the notes
10.00pm - Ok i think its time to take a well deserved break! Lets dota! LOL

Saturday, May 27, 2006

Haha The saga of the youth day continues at andrew blog :P lazy to paste the conversation here. Just click his link and enjoy the movie hehe =D

Friday, May 26, 2006

Played 5 games of wc3 standard today. Boy do i feel so good now. The flow of adrenaline flowing through me every minute :D~ Thats the difference between dota and standard. dota can never give me this feeling -_-. Create a new account today and tried some stupid strats on it for fun LOL. Did early selling of Tp, dual rax rally ghoul to hero and rush ;D, surprisely it works well LOL. All my opponent were lvl 20+ T_T! Win all of them though ROFL. Account Rushforyourlife @ us west Record now 5-0 hehe ;D. Off to study now for my chi O's for 1.5 hrs and piak dota later at 10pm ;D
If i ever had a son, i wouldnt send him to these schools.
1) A RELIGIOUS school
2) A single sex school

Of course, the first option is the most important. It kind of sucks to see ur son suffering the same fate as you if u send him to a religious school. Maris stella is basically a not bad school BUT BUT BUT the only thing i detest is the religious part. Since its a catholic school, it conducts morning prayer everyday, sheesh i can eeven memorise the catholic prayer! I dont relaly mind that although it can be really irriating when Mr kwok(a sort of DM) tells his stories and talk abt catholic stuffs. Grrr the most irriating thing of all is : Catholic mass, where there'll be a priest that will say prayer or something. Man am i even in a church? The priest today asked the non cathloics to not make any noise during the mass today to show respect for other people faith. "ya right, as if u respect us NON CATHOLIC FAITH to waste 1hour+ of my life to attend that catholic mass of yours" This thought just keeps coming up in my mind and i feel like slapping the next person asking us to shut up to respect the catholic faith.

I dont think other religious school make it complusory for their students to sit through the catholic mass dont they? There would be at least 4 mass every year i think? Imo, its just a waste of time for the non cathloic. SUre the catholic might regard it as important etc, but to the enon catholic, its not a significant event at all. And if the school wants no noise at the mass, they can just simply make it complusory for only the catholics.

Today mass really pissed me off maybe thats why i'm suddenly writing about this complusory catholic mass thing now. I HATE PEOPLE WHO PREACH, who preach about their religion to other people. I just cant stand it that people dont give a damn about others , keep preaching about their oh so good religion or just keep asking people to say words about their religion. All that relates to today pastor.

Pastor after reading a prayer : *tells the school* Say amen, Say amen.

i'm like WTF? ISNT AMEN SUPPOSE TO BE A RELIGIOUS WORD? Why the fuck is he telling everyone to say that word. Sheesh. He even said it on 2 occasion. I got a urge to...*beep* I better work hard in the holidays to make sure i wont enter into ANY more RELIGIOUS JCs. Sometimes, i pity the teachers in the school too lmao. They have to suffer the same like us too. Maybe we should complain to MOE and have them abolish the complusory cahtolic mass thing :D! Dont get me wrong, im not against catholic or any other religion, i just dont like the idea of FORCING a non believer into attending catholic occasion(eg mass) everytime for FOUR FUCKING YEARS. ANd of course, i don tlike people who preach without considering other people feelings/religion, Yes that includes people from even my religion.

4 years of constantly preaching A.K.A "brain washing" but i'm still strong :D.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Ky: Hopefully some dumb class would host a warcraft STANDARD 1 v 1 competition on youth day [] says:

Andrew ₪ ǾъЅآĐÎaИ™ ₪ [][] Halo 3 - 2007 says:

Andrew ₪ ǾъЅآĐÎaИ™ ₪ [][] Halo 3 - 2007 says:
nt sad

Andrew ₪ ǾъЅآĐÎaИ™ ₪ [][] Halo 3 - 2007 says:

Andrew ₪ ǾъЅآĐÎaИ™ ₪ [][] Halo 3 - 2007 says:
retarded lah

Andrew ₪ ǾъЅآĐÎaИ™ ₪ [][] Halo 3 - 2007 says:
1st stupid idea of the day

Andrew ₪ ǾъЅآĐÎaИ™ ₪ [][] Halo 3 - 2007 says:
me: (sarcastically) EHHH WAN PLAY MUSICAL CHAIRS?!

Andrew ₪ ǾъЅآĐÎaИ™ ₪ [][] Halo 3 - 2007 says:
1 min later

Andrew ₪ ǾъЅآĐÎaИ™ ₪ [][] Halo 3 - 2007 says:
KS: (drawing some stupid things on board) eh i got an idea

Ky: Hopefully some dumb class would host a warcraft STANDARD 1 v 1 competition on
youth day [] says:

Andrew ₪ ǾъЅآĐÎaИ™ ₪ [][] Halo 3 - 2007 says:
ks: something like musical chairs

Ky: Hopefully some dumb class would host a warcraft STANDARD 1 v 1 competition on youth day [] says:

Andrew ₪ ǾъЅآĐÎaИ™ ₪ [][] Halo 3 - 2007 says:

Ky: Hopefully some dumb class would host a warcraft STANDARD 1 v 1 competition on youth day [] says:
i think

Ky: Hopefully some dumb class would host a warcraft STANDARD 1 v 1 competition on youth day [] says:
musical chairs is cool!

Andrew ₪ ǾъЅآĐÎaИ™ ₪ [][] Halo 3 - 2007 says:
my ass

Andrew ₪ ǾъЅآĐÎaИ™ ₪ [][] Halo 3 - 2007 says:
ks: oi listen to me

Andrew ₪ ǾъЅآĐÎaИ™ ₪ [][] Halo 3 - 2007 says:
ks: this game....blablabla (comes up with some stupid rules)

Andrew ₪ ǾъЅآĐÎaИ™ ₪ [][] Halo 3 - 2007 says:
ks: then the one guy we throw WATER BOOOMB!

Andrew ₪ ǾъЅآĐÎaИ™ ₪ [][] Halo 3 - 2007 says:
me: (recoiling with all the lameness)

Andrew ₪ ǾъЅآĐÎaИ™ ₪ [][] Halo 3 - 2007 says:
everyone else: who will pay blablabla

Andrew ₪ ǾъЅآĐÎaИ™ ₪ [][] Halo 3 - 2007 says:
1 min later

Ky: Hopefully some dumb class would host a warcraft STANDARD 1 v 1 competition on youth day [] says:

Andrew ₪ ǾъЅآĐÎaИ™ ₪ [][] Halo 3 - 2007 says:
KS: (rubs doom3 off the board)

Ky: Hopefully some dumb class would host a warcraft STANDARD 1 v 1 competition on youth day [] says:

Ky: Hopefully some dumb class would host a warcraft STANDARD 1 v 1 competition on youth day [] says:
its not no one vote rite?

Ky: Hopefully some dumb class would host a warcraft STANDARD 1 v 1 competition on youth day [] says:
its him himself rub off rite?

Andrew ₪ ǾъЅآĐÎaИ™ ₪ [][] Halo 3 - 2007 says:

Andrew ₪ ǾъЅآĐÎaИ™ ₪ [][] Halo 3 - 2007 says:

Andrew ₪ ǾъЅآĐÎaИ™ ₪ [][] Halo 3 - 2007 says:

Andrew ₪ ǾъЅآĐÎaИ™ ₪ [][] Halo 3 - 2007 says:

Andrew ₪ ǾъЅآĐÎaИ™ ₪ [][] Halo 3 - 2007 says:
then u noe hor

Andrew ₪ ǾъЅآĐÎaИ™ ₪ [][] Halo 3 - 2007 says:
he ask ppl for opinions

Andrew ₪ ǾъЅآĐÎaИ™ ₪ [][] Halo 3 - 2007 says:
nobody wan answer him

Andrew ₪ ǾъЅآĐÎaИ™ ₪ [][] Halo 3 - 2007 says:
he put HIS OWN ideas -.-

Ky: Hopefully some dumb class would host a warcraft STANDARD 1 v 1 competition on youth day [] says:
no wonder

Ky: Hopefully some dumb class would host a warcraft STANDARD 1 v 1 competition on youth day [] says:
the doom 3

Ky: Hopefully some dumb class would host a warcraft STANDARD 1 v 1 competition on youth day [] says:
suddenly gone

Ky: Hopefully some dumb class would host a warcraft STANDARD 1 v 1 competition on youth day [] says:
i thot i saw him rub away

Ky: Hopefully some dumb class would host a warcraft STANDARD 1 v 1 competition on youth day [] says:
then i ask adrian

Ky: Hopefully some dumb class would host a warcraft STANDARD 1 v 1 competition on youth day [] says:
he say cause no one vote?

Ky: Hopefully some dumb class would host a warcraft STANDARD 1 v 1 competition on youth day [] says:
is it? i dun remember he asking anyone to vote for doom 3

Andrew ₪ ǾъЅآĐÎaИ™ ₪ [][] Halo 3 - 2007 says:
(yesterday) KS: eh i got an idea, (writes some of his own stuff on the board) we sell OTAH PLUS SEAWEED

Andrew ₪ ǾъЅآĐÎaИ™ ₪ [][] Halo 3 - 2007 says:

Andrew ₪ ǾъЅآĐÎaИ™ ₪ [][] Halo 3 - 2007 says:
no he nvr ask

Ky: Hopefully some dumb class would host a warcraft STANDARD 1 v 1 competition on youth day [] says:
nvm lor

Andrew ₪ ǾъЅآĐÎaИ™ ₪ [][] Halo 3 - 2007 says:
he ownself duwan other ppl duwan meh

Ky: Hopefully some dumb class would host a warcraft STANDARD 1 v 1 competition on youth day [] says:
we go patronise other store

Ky: Hopefully some dumb class would host a warcraft STANDARD 1 v 1 competition on youth day [] says:

Andrew ₪ ǾъЅآĐÎaИ™ ₪ [][] Halo 3 - 2007 says:
not that lah

Andrew ₪ ǾъЅآĐÎaИ™ ₪ [][] Halo 3 - 2007 says:
we end up lose face

Ky: Hopefully some dumb class would host a warcraft STANDARD 1 v 1 competition on youth day [] says:

Andrew ₪ ǾъЅآĐÎaИ™ ₪ [][] Halo 3 - 2007 says:
i can tell u cfm very few people come ours

Andrew ₪ ǾъЅآĐÎaИ™ ₪ [][] Halo 3 - 2007 says:

Andrew ₪ ǾъЅآĐÎaИ™ ₪ [][] Halo 3 - 2007 says:
prefer marcus

Andrew ₪ ǾъЅآĐÎaИ™ ₪ [][] Halo 3 - 2007 says:
at least he ask everyone opinion

Andrew ₪ ǾъЅآĐÎaИ™ ₪ [][] Halo 3 - 2007 says:
let's all pay $$$ to watch 4 "scary" ppl playing dai dee!

Andrew ₪ ǾъЅآĐÎaИ™ ₪ [][] Halo 3 - 2007 says:
bet on the winner!

Andrew ₪ ǾъЅآĐÎaИ™ ₪ [][] Halo 3 - 2007 says:
might as well pay money, ownself play, win more money right

Andrew ₪ ǾъЅآĐÎaИ™ ₪ [][] Halo 3 - 2007 says:
it's like dipping all that money into curry and flushing it down the toilet bowl

Andrew ₪ ǾъЅآĐÎaИ™ ₪ [][] Halo 3 - 2007 says:
got a few whisperings of halo 2

Andrew ₪ ǾъЅآĐÎaИ™ ₪ [][] Halo 3 - 2007 says:
but ks choose not to hear

Andrew ₪ ǾъЅآĐÎaИ™ ₪ [][] Halo 3 - 2007 says:
what to do

Ky: Hopefully some dumb class would host a warcraft STANDARD 1 v 1 competition on youth day [] says:
u know y class

Ky: Hopefully some dumb class would host a warcraft STANDARD 1 v 1 competition on youth day [] says:
vote casino or not

Ky: Hopefully some dumb class would host a warcraft STANDARD 1 v 1 competition on youth day [] says:
cause its the most feasible choice

Andrew ₪ ǾъЅآĐÎaИ™ ₪ [][] Halo 3 - 2007 says:

Ky: Hopefully some dumb class would host a warcraft STANDARD 1 v 1 competition on youth day [] says:
out of 3 choice

Ky: Hopefully some dumb class would host a warcraft STANDARD 1 v 1 competition on youth day [] says:

Ky: Hopefully some dumb class would host a warcraft STANDARD 1 v 1 competition on youth day [] says:
3 choice1

Andrew ₪ ǾъЅآĐÎaИ™ ₪ [][] Halo 3 - 2007 says:
but still it's retarded

Ky: Hopefully some dumb class would host a warcraft STANDARD 1 v 1 competition on youth day [] says:
maze, mine sweeper, casino

Andrew ₪ ǾъЅآĐÎaИ™ ₪ [][] Halo 3 - 2007 says:
Ks's brilliant idea no2:

Andrew ₪ ǾъЅآĐÎaИ™ ₪ [][] Halo 3 - 2007 says:
musical chairs!

aballs says:
that 1

Ky: Hopefully some dumb class would host a warcraft STANDARD 1 v 1 competition on youth day [] says:

Ky: Hopefully some dumb class would host a warcraft STANDARD 1 v 1 competition on youth day [] says:
joke of the year

aballs says:
i was rly laugihng

Andrew ₪ ǾъЅآĐÎaИ™ ₪ [][] Halo 3 - 2007 says:
den throw water bomb at the loser!

Andrew ₪ ǾъЅآĐÎaИ™ ₪ [][] Halo 3 - 2007 says:

Andrew ₪ ǾъЅآĐÎaИ™ ₪ [][] Halo 3 - 2007 says:

Ky: Hopefully some dumb class would host a warcraft STANDARD 1 v 1 competition on youth day [] says:
we're so matured

aballs says:
is fun

aballs says:
for kiddies

Lol. That pretty much sum up the funny dicussion today. I got really pissed today when Kok seng just suddenly rubs off "doom 3" from the white board. he didnt even asked for the class voting on that subject. I ask him to wriet back but was ignoring my suggestion, i was like WTF?!?!??!. Was really pissed at that moment, converted all my anger to laughter by laughing at the stupidity of the ideas. He CARRIED ALL THE IDEA FROM YESTERDAY TO TODAY EXCLUDING HALO 2 FOR SOME REASON I DO NOT KNOW.

aballs says:
submitt ler

aballs says:

Ky: Hopefully some dumb class would host a warcraft STANDARD 1 v 1 competition on youth day [] says:

Ky: Hopefully some dumb class would host a warcraft STANDARD 1 v 1 competition on youth day [] says:

Ky: Hopefully some dumb class would host a warcraft STANDARD 1 v 1 competition on youth day [] says:

Andrew ₪ ǾъЅآĐÎaИ™ ₪ [][] Halo 3 - 2007 says:

Ky: Hopefully some dumb class would host a warcraft STANDARD 1 v 1 competition on youth day [] says:

Andrew ₪ ǾъЅآĐÎaИ™ ₪ [][] Halo 3 - 2007 says:

lol the proposal is submitted. Its a concept of a gambling place where people bet money on 4 of our classmate playing daidee? Man tat is so funny. Well considernig there's ONLY 3 CHOICE - Maze, mine sweeper, casino, i guess the class made a smart choice choosing the BEST of the WORST.

aballs says:
who knows

aballs says:

aballs says:
may liek it

aballs says:

Lol we have a bet going on :P. Aww im confident of the outcome ;>

All this are jsut my opinion and do not represnet the class opinion ^_^
VJC just came to our school for the school talk. It seems like a cool, vibrant, nice school with some nice facilities(recreation place with pool table + console gaming WTF!)! Goal now is to get into VJC with my prelim results, which is only the way to get into VJC for the actual O's since my CCA record SUCKS and i cant even -2 T_T so the only way is to get -2 for the same jc u joined during ur prelims. I need to get like 6-8 marks for my prelim i think?lol thats like some big difficult!

Maris youth day thing today was so funny lolol. I'll update it some other day. My com is revived again ;DD. lmao andrew dun be sad :P I told u that there would sure be no com gamE!Lmao dont worry we'll go for sightseeing on youth day for ohter class and have fun :D. Then again, its weird seeing the class chairman rubbing off com game from the white board suddenly WITHOUT the class voting on it :P *cough* That was quick but i saw it :D

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Chnged my blog song. kope from some person website LOL. A famous one somemore. Hope she dun finds my blog t.t
I didnt catch a good sleep for almost a week.
Recent nightmares of people close to me dying, leaving me, back stabbing me only leads me to waking up in cold sweats. Maybe that made my mood shitty and pissed off this week.Is it a bad omen or just the power of caffeine..?

Marist youth day(some carnival where we open our own game,food stall to the sch only) planning starts today. The theme was freaky friday(i think). Original plan was to make some maze with some people dressing up as scary people or wadever.

"Eh? thats a dumb idea. Who the fuck would pay money to go through the maze to just get scared by some "scary" people?If this was a girl school, maybe its feasible but HI! we're in a boy school with a capital B. Which boy would even waste his money when he can spend hsi money on other better things?"

That was my thought(surprisely many ppl hate this idea too :P). Jst kept my mouth shut and begin staring into blank space to sleep. Heard later that someone voice out some taiji or smth and the whole thing was cancelled(THANK GoD!). It was changed to a food store selling otah and seaweed -_-?

Last year youth day was some nice. We held a halo 2 xbox competition and it turned out pretty well. Attracted lots of crowd, although we lost 3 bucks overall, it was so fun! I paid 1 buck and took part for fun and played halo 2 for the first time , with andrew teaching me the basic keys. Of course i got my ass kicked rofl.! But that was some fun grenading people to death. Well anyway the plan was to ask andrew to take part and make him win first prize since he said he was uber at it lollol. UNFORTUNATELY, he got his pony ass kicked to 2nd prize HAAHA. Man that is some funnY and some sec 4 took the first prize(a cd player or ipod i think?)

It would be just so simple if they host a gaming compy. U just need to setup all the equipments etc. No money needed to start uP! The problem is that this year the school decides not to sponsor any money for any thing or wadever. Which means we have to buy our own prize which = $$$. Maybe setting up a food stall would cost les but whats the fun of seeting up a damn stall doing noting but selling food. it would be wtf uber cool if they made a leisure game store which has game playing + some other thing happening all at the same time. We can have a halo2 compy + some other games(maybe wc3 or other games) area + food selling if they really want it soooo much. We dont even need prizes if andrew wins the compy! Aww T_T i want to have a store that says "PAY 5 BUCKS TO FIGHT WITH KY IN WC3 AND IF U WIN U GET A CD!" that would be so cool just sitting on a chair and helping charity earning money! Then again, i wonder if theres any wc3 player playing standard instead of DOTAAA. sadly, i doubt theres any standard player in this school ;(.

*destroys the bubble* Ok that rubbish on top would never come true, lets just face reality lmao. That would be the things i do if i were chairman LOL. last year in the school ,lets just have FUNNN! Aw nvm, if my class isnt hosting, ttheres still another class! There would be 100% a dota compy unless the organiser odesnt allow that game lmao. Letshope some dumb class would host a wc3 standard 1 v1 compy and i would go there and play ! Gegegege! Pls make my dream come true T_T
Grrr my computer is down again, so is my mood

Sunday, May 21, 2006

LOLOLOLOL i think i gone crazy. Changed the Bg music. Wait for it to load awhile and u'll know wad i mean ;DDDDD.

Jeff lopez the man and his ideas
Just got back from watching Da Vinci code. It turned out to be a nice show opposite of what the life! movie critics said about it. 2/5 rating just dont seem to make sense. Rating for me is around 4/5~

Friday, May 19, 2006

Here are some random things I'M SOOO TEMPTED TO DO sometimes

1) Pushing some random fatty stranger who is standing outside the pool and laugh at him HAHA
2) Pulling a girl pony tail from the back and running away LOLOL

T_T i get so tempted in those situations

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Ni na bei. My results are -_-.

A math - fail
E math - 53.5/100
Geo 21/25<-- top in class?ROFL!
Chem 70.5/100
physics 50/100
bio 63.5/100
English - unkown -.-

Z wah lao eh. My prediction is all subject -1 grade man. So from the realistic point of view all subject minus 1. Damn sad my bio only got 63.5 and my chem 70.5 T_T, was expecting A2/1 from them, Grrr fucking careless mistakes! Chinese was some joke though , cant believe i got a 28/40 for my oral?lol i was expecting a b4 when i only got 30/50 for my compo. At least geo hit the target phew, quite confident abt the paper since i wrote a whole bunch of bullshit worth of 4 PAPERS. Have to rely on my social studies paper now, i dun think its good T_T i hope i can at least get a A2.

Shit man, l1r5(without english) = 6 + 3 + 4 + + 2 + 2 = 17

Zzz thats like some shit marks. I hope my english can get b3 or soemthing -,- at least i can still get below 20 marks. THis prelim screwed up man =((. Only study like 1 day worht of work LOL same like all the other years of exam. Cant let it happen in prelim 2 or i will tio f**ked into some lousy jc. At least i did better than some of the classmates who study quite hard for the exam LOL. Hope i'm top 10 in class so that my parents wont kpkb so much. ~.~ damn scared about my math now. All my math related subjects = all near passing line LOL. 1 of th epoint i admit is that i didnt do enouhg pratice or whatever. BUT ANOTHER POINT IS THE MATH TEACHER. I dont like shifting the blame to others but the math teacher is really one of the taiji that pulls my damn freaking mark down.

1) I tried to listen to her teaching in class but she seems like she's talking to herself and keep duno saying what. AND SHE ALWAYS ASSUME just because my class is "4c" that we're good in math and she'll just skip through damn fast. Like wtf? And she shows obvious biasness towards some students zz
2)Impatient -__-
3) She told other class that she dont like teaching our class or smth. Lol our poor fren andrew(his a slow math learner like mE!) was suaned by her too LOLOL.

Nice teacher eh? So every math lesson, i would just sit at my table, read my text book, self learn and dont listen to her lesson LOL. And i learn more things than i do from listening to her -_-. Here's the best part: She's our form teacher too and she create a email acc just incase we want to email her

1st time she told us : liucy(cant remb sp lioucy or smth)
Class : Hahaha sounds like lousy<-- cant remb the last remark =S
2nd time :

Get the picture? She was planning to retire last year but our sch principal SOMEHOW asked her to stay 1 more year to teach us(nice luck). So no matter the results, i guess she can just retire the next year. Man we were hoping for Mr lim to teach us after mrs wee retire T_T. Some other teachers(mr lim, mr ng T_T) pls save us~~

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

High fever, vomitting, diarhorrea

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Man i want to migrate to korea.

just look at his godly micro management of his units *shrugs*

Thats the most popular sport in korea - E sport. JUST LOOK AT THE NUMBER OF PEOPLE THEREE! The guy playing there is some legendary player -_-.

"Lim Yo BUng Lim Yo-Hwan, known by the pseudonym SlayerS_`BoxeR` (usually shortened to Boxer), is one of the most successful players of the real-time strategy game StarCraft to date. He is also arguably the most popular Starcraft player with a fan club of over 600,000 members and a DVD compilation of his greatest games released in South Korea.

Lim has an impressive record with 435 wins and 284 losses in his professional career. This success has brought him the highest salary of professional gaming, exceeding an annual income of 300,000 US Dollars per year, excluding prize money and endorsements. In 2004 he was voted the greatest gamer of all time by readers of ESReality, one of the most popular western electronic sports websites."

Fucking shit 300k USD per year. THATS LIKE 20K A MONTH.

Friday, May 12, 2006

Back from another class outing . Woo wasted lots of money this 2 days. Like 50 bucks i think T_T. First class outing was fine. 20+ of us went to bowling, with 10+ of them going to *cough* gaybox , while the rest of us went to movie,pool. Heh surprisely i still know how to aim the ball in pool after a longg time, though i hit the black ball in a few times -_-.

Today class outing was some steamboat/bbq feast or wadever. I HAD IN MIND those restaurant where therees steamboat/bbq buffet like the sizzler,seoul garden etc. Reaching at marina bay, some people distributed us some "STEAMBOAT REST FLIERS", apparently theres a bus in the road that will escort us there for free. I HAVE NO IDEA WHO WANTED TO GO THAT "RESTURANT", which resturant would need to advertise if their business is good haha, so we went into the bus . Was feeling abit scared of kidnapping or wadever -_- just entering into stranger bus = no joke k! When we arrived, i saw the place and "ok this will be a shit place" and its true -_-. It was quite a rundown coffee shop etc. The fucking oil was like scalding my hand every like 20 sec? The soup sucks, the food sucks. I only ate like chicken,beef,pork. No appetite to simply eat the rest. Apparently, theres free ice cream so andrew,calvin and i went to take. They took exactly 13(1 for each), and i was taking 4 extra more LOL. Andrew went OMG? "Oops! extra ar?Aiya no harm la , the more the merrier LOL. Revenge for the shitty food and service!" Went to bowl 1 round later then went to find some pool place to play. Meridian one full, the paradagon(not sure =S) full. Give up hope and went to dhobby ghaut X square , to only find it close -_-. So we jsut went to the arcade to hang out awhile before going home

I DONT GET IT WHY PEOPLE LIKE TO PLAY ARCADE. I mean its like 1 bucks for like 10 mins of game play or less. Worst of all, i dont get it why people play dumb games like PARA PARA, HIT THE DRUM or wadever. Wtf? Those are fucking super attention Whores with a capital W. 90% of them are ah bengs while 10% are normal. And they still call those people who spend time on computer losers *shrugs*. They themselve stand infront of the machine for like 432632327327 hours every week trying to memorise all the dance steps of the song. Then they show off their perfectly memorised steps to the ladies. Dont get me wrong, i'm not jealous :D. I'm just find it irony that they are able to memorise the music steps but cant their school work. That's like some big jokes. " MUMMY I CAN DANCE AND MAKE A LIVING NEXT TIME!" ROfl talking about people with no lifes, sure rings a bell.
This is the main fun reason for me to play dota : To piss ah bengs off

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
Click on the picture to view the full size. BLue is me, teal and yellow are my sec sch friends and purple is a stranger!

Rofl! I cant stop laughing when i saw him type that. Dota is obviously a team game, and you dont see people bitching in rugby when all of them gang one guy dont they?

How to identify a ah beng in dota :
1) The whiners : Knn pcb, mai hum 1 v 1 la, ccb humji must gang me
2) THe limited vocab bad mannered : Scold fuck , continus scolding only fuck and hokkien language
3)The hao lian at first, kao pei kao bu when they lose : When they're winning : "HHAHA FUCKING NOOB". Lose : Knn pcb my team mate sucks la thats y u all win. rofl

Damn what a interesting game :>!
Damn i cant stop hearing the mr brown show PNPP no 6 and 8 rofl. I've heard it like a 100 times already and still counting -_-. I even thought of a way to apologise to my DM if i did something wrong LOL

DM : Hey gentleman, why is your shirt tucked out
Ky: Oh i'm sorry. Please accept my sincere apology if my action cause distress or confusion to you, the discipline master. Look, its only a piece of shirt, lets move on.

Jeff lopez, the man and his ideas. Woo =D. Singapore bloggers are really funny rofl.

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Morning - read newspaper
12.45 - 2.30 - Go resturant celebrate mom bday
2.30 - 5.00 - Play Dota and wc3 time :D
5.00 - 5.50 - Study ss
5.50 - 7.00 - Chat surf net etc
7 - 7.30 - Stone in front of desk
7.30 - 10.00 - study SS
10.00 - 10.30 - "study" phyics
10.30 - now - usnig com

T_T tats like some bad time table since i did not study ss and physics AT ALL. Aww lets hope my last minute work can work again! 3 hour "hard" work of studying SS ~~ Oh about physics, TO HELL WITH PHYSICS! I'm just studying abit so that i dun fail too bad enough for the teacher to make noise :X. Better not make so much noise, theres a teacher reading my blog now X_X.

I meant that i already studied physics for the whole year long so i dun need to spend so much time on it now! Oh shit, my nose is getting longer

Theres this damn funny japanese comedian i recently watched. I heard of him a long time but didnt really bother much uuntil i watch one of his episode. ROFL the episodes are some funny! Came across the website from, my fav funniest local best wc3 clan site ^_^. Here's the description!

Hard Gay is this guy who pretends to be gay and goes around doing outrageous things in 'conservative' Japan. He was all over TV when i was there. Some people love him, some people think hes stupid.

link :
Him going to help a ramen shop

Him going to yahoo office since the company uses his "HOO!" LOLOL

Him going to interview abt father's day

Him asking a toy company to make a toy of him LOLOL - Part 1

Part 2

Him in Sakura viewing to reduce the litters~

go watch! WOOO! Its always great to have a good laugh after studying *cough* for 1 hr for the exams :D

Friday, May 05, 2006


-Er.. wait wait hang on this has de kua in it. But i said i didnt want dekua. . No u didnt and i can prove it i got a CCTV camera at my stall ROFLLL

Thursday, May 04, 2006

BLoody shit. I have to do some fucking cme project in like now since tomorrow is like the dead line? APPARENTLY, the teacher f$@%ing forgot and gave us a week late which is our exam week AND SHE WANTS US TO HAND IN BY TOMORROW. That's like some unreasonable. Student forgets something = send out of class. teachers forgets something = student suffer. So she said those who do not hand in will get a D for ur Civil moral in ur report book, i dont relaly give a damn actually but all i fear is htat my parents would misinterpret and treat me like some uncivilised kid. wtf!? So i decided to use like 10 minutes of my precious time to do a "i cant be bothered" piece of work. Its not my fault anyway, if she given it like 1 week earlier, i would have used more effort to do, but~~ =D

Step 1 :
step 2 :
Type in Pro active Poems HAHA
step 3 :
Finds the suitable url!
Step 4 :
Open micro word and type some fake shit and copy paste the whole chunk
step 5 :
Job done in 10 mins!

Here's my work HAHAH. Everything i wrote is 100% bull shitting lmao

Being Pro Active

After the pro active lesson, I understand the important of being pro active. One must live proactively to make moments of inspiration most accessible. I have began to do more pro active things like changing my bad habits instead of waiting to be scolded upon, lending a helping hand to people in need without being told to do so ,doing my work automatically without being told to do and many other more. I came across quite many pro active quotes from famous people. These are my top 5 favourites.

"Don't ask yourself what the world needs; ask yourself what makes you come alive. And then go and do that. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive."
(Harold Whitman)

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”
(Mark Twain)

“Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.”

“We are more than what we do...much more than what we accomplish...far more than what we possess.”
(William Arthur Ward)

“To be nobody-but-yourself in a world which is doing its best night and day, to make you everybody else, means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight; and never stop fighting.”
(e. e. cummings)

After reading the quotes, I have been more than inspirated to be more pro active. This quotes reminds me constantly to keep actively creating a life of personal meaning. I do not want to regret all the things that I have not done in the when I look back at the past. By doing the things proactively now, I can accomplish the inspirations that I always wanted to do but did not want to do due to procrastination.
Geo paper today was -_-. Didnt write fast enough maybe its cause i was using some water pen and not a bold point pen. Wrote like 5 pages of foolscap within 45 mins. Didnt write a few more points on the last question T_T. thats like around 3 marks gone. Sheesh its still possible to get an A1 though. *prays*

E MATH PAPER WAS A FUCKING KILLLERRRR. I didnt know like so many questions?WTf. THat's like 15/60 marks gone. Not to mention i guessed the rest of the answers. Sigh E math is a goner. Many people were kpbkbing after the paper too hah. Not a surprise since MR LIM AKA MR MURDERER set the paper. Grrr. i feel so tempted to go whack those PRCs when i heard from my friend they went out of the hall after exam : "Zhe mo rong yi! bla bla bla" _|_.

So i tought over my possible marks..

3 A1 - Bio,chem, Humans
A2 - A math
B3 - Chinese, English
Fails - E math and physics

l1r5 = 1 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 3 = 11!


2 A1 - Chem , combine human
4 B3- English, A math( I HOPE MR LIM DOESNT FUCKING SET TAT), Chinese, bio
fails - physics and e math lol.

L1r5 = 3 + 3 + 1 + 1 + 3 + 3 = 14 *shrugs*

What happens if u screw up view :
A1 - 0
2 B3 - Chem, english
3 B4 - Chinese,bio,combine human
C5 - A math
fails - physics and e math.

L1r5 = 3 + 3 + 4 + 4 + 4 = 18 WTF!

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

T_T i hate chinese. It sucks to have 3 different chinese examination on the same day. COmpo,letter writing,listening, oral . That totally burned my brain dead. I was damn scared of oral since i SUCK at speaking chinese. I can understand the meaning of the word but i dont know how to read it out -_-. Turns out to be a relatively ok passage, read a few words wrongly. Finally came conversation the part where i dread the most. Before me was lie ken and when i heard his topic " Why nowadays singaporeans dont exercise etc" i went like T_T WTF! FUCKING LUCK! THAT'S LIKE SOME EASY TOPIC! I was praying for a easy topic which came true! My topic was "ALot of teenagers are addicted to the computer games blabla" So this was wad happened in my brain when i was thinking.

Ky: WTF! Thats some easy topic!
Maybe due to the fact i played too much wc3, there was some sort of "build order" in ENGLISH in my brain rofL!
Ky : Ok so like bla bla bla cause of this reasons, then harmful effect is this, solution is this. And if she ask me this question, i'll counter her by using this strat that'll totally own the game etc.
So i like decided to execute my build order, when...
Looks like i forget that i'm playing a different game and my build order doesnt works on that game wtf?! I CANT FIND MY DK AND TIER 2 GARGOYLES IN STARCRAFT(!) and the enemy was like zergling rush on my base by giving me the not happy face -_-. I had no choice but to abandon my build order and try some new things which results to lots of stopping to think of CHINESE WORDS to speak. Fuck chinese! I would have execute my build order if its in english and i would have won the fucking game!

So i'm listening to "I Need a hero" now. BUT WHERE WAS MY DEATH KNIGHT IN CHINESE ORAL! T_T

E math tomorrow. -_- One of the subjects i hate the most. gL !

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

T_T i screwed up my fucking chinese. The comphre close and open ended passage was so fucking difficult?-_-. I had to guess all the meaning of the words :<. =S theres this passage which says that there are 2 old man. A fat man fishing with a rod which has 6 small hooks(i think?) that can catch smal fish very quickly and a skinny man using a big rod to try to catch the big fish but very long still nv catch or smth. They were havnig a competition too! Not sure what is it T_T i cant understand those freaking foreign words! But i guess its to see who can catch the big fish first ROFL. So anyway, there's this question that asked : " Which fishing style would u choose and why?" Many people answers were i would choose the fat man fishing since dun wan shou zhu dai tu or wadever rubbish word. I guess they mean its more consistent results etc. HHAHA guess what i wrote. My answer : "I choose the skinny man because his rod is the only one that can catch the big fish, the fat man rod might be able to catch lots of small fish, but he can never catch the big one. so if the skinny man continues fightinG!, then he might be able to catch the big fish :DD"

-__- i dont know which answer is correct. Hopefully mine is accepted *cross hand*. There's chinese oral and compo tomorrow. Shit man i hate chinese so much. It would be a miracle if i passed for oral ROFL. Nvm. Its a pity i dont have this inspiring song to aid me through the fight T_T.


Monday, May 01, 2006

*sorry non gamers, this post isnt dedicated to u :P*

TOday is like one of the best day ever :D. Theres 2 of my favourite players(Tod and grubby) playing today in some big wc3 competition semi finals held in china called WEG Master.

Match up was 4k.ToD vs WE.IGE.SKY and 4k.gruby vs MYM|Moon.

Sky was of course the favourite and many china fans(he's from china btw) and people expected him to win 3:1 3:0(best of 5) etc. i was watching live on the website and omG! Tod won 3:0 HAHAHA TAKE THAT BITCH. The china fans must be upset T_T

THe match of the day finally comes :D. Grubby(orc) vs moooon(elf). Battle of the 2 kings of wc3 :D. Grubby lost all his bo3 vs moon whenever they meet so everyone naturally expected a 3:0 trashing due to the f*@#@%ing elf imbalance over orc. Grubby himself said that he would come up wiht new strats and beat moon 3:0! rofl! now thats some cool stuffs. T_T game 3 on TR was one of the nicest game i ever seen :D amazing comeback by grubby ! Grubby won 3:1, nt very far apart from 3:0 =D. Those china fans spectating the event rush and hug him after he won ROFL. The china wc3 forums has so many new threads : " GRUBBY I LOVE YOU, u created history in wc3 bla bla bla" those kind of titles haha. Thats so funny!It isnt surprised since moon has a 28-0 record win against orcs :P. He's on his way to win 30k USD. GOGO GRUB :D

Some excerpt(sp?) from the comments made by the ang moh :P

#29 necrofight @ 2006-05-01 12:11:55

"perhaps it is like an independence day of all orc users and europeans in the world."

Before the game...

#72 3wD-SimO @ 2006-04-30 10:15:44
Wake up guys, grubby has close to 0 chance to get a single map vs moon not to mention to win a bo5 vs him.....

After the game(HAHAHAHA)
"#72 lol xD" "#72 loool" "#72 loool" "#72 loool" "#72 ok" "#72 gg on that fag" "#72 hahahaah poor dude =)" "#72 sup" "#72 rofl you just got pwnd by the hole community" "#72 in the same league as rainingcats. HAHAHA" "#72 wake up retard kid" "#72 nice !!" "#72 was not the only one wrong" "Community > #72 kthxbyedie!" "#72 got owned :p" "#72 plz What you see in my future?" "LOL #72" "#72 PWNED HAHAHA" "#72 LOL chobo" "#72 for president!" "#72 GG !!!" "#72 deep in the ass" "aha #72 own" "i think that #72 has to make new account cause he aint taken serious anymore" "start a new thread called #72 pwned!!"